Putting the Public First – Part 5
This is the fifth in a series of posts about HOW we can begin to put the public first in justice design. In the family justice system we rarely hear the voices of children who are experiencing the separation or divorce of their parents. Despite the legal principle that the “best interests of the child” […]
Read postVote for NSRLP!!
Social media is abuzz with the news that our friends at the National Self-Represented Litigants Project have been nominated for a prestigious award. the NSRLP’s new National Database of Professionals Assisting SRLs has been nominated for the American Bar Association’s Louis M. Brown Award for Legal Access! Dayna Cornwall, Project Coordinator with the NSRLP, advises: This award is […]
Read postYouth Voices Workshop – a First Step in Justice Design
The Lab is moving ahead with the “Youth Voices Initiative“. The purpose of the initiative is to support the well-being of youth whose families experienced separation and divorce. Research shows that the divorce process can be very damaging for children as their well-being is closely linked to the level of conflict between their parents and […]
Read postPutting the Public First – Part 4
In the first three parts of this series I described the thoughts I contributed to the Justice Design Project on how to put the public first in justice system reform. This post attempts to build on that very important theme. I follow Richard Zorza‘s Access to Justice Blog. Richard is one of my justice heroes […]
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