In the Northern Navigator initiative, a BC Provincial Court judge in one of three northern BC communities could, under the BC Family Law Act, order a family to meet with a Navigator who conducted a detailed intake, provided to the parties information, resources and referrals to community and legal services, and provided to the Court a report to assist the Court in considering whether to order the family to engage in mediation (with an initiative mediator paid for by the parties on a sliding scale, distance with a family justice counsellor or with a private mediator agreed to by the parties).

The Northern Navigator initiative was intended to help couples going through separation or divorce to find the best options to deal with their situation. Often, families need information, direction and guidance. The initiative combines information about services and processes, access to the direction of the Court, and guidance from a mediator as appropriate.

The Lab assisted the initiative with a unique developmental evaluation approach, collaboration, tracking learnings and an experimental approach. A Notice to the Profession for the initiative was issued by the Court effective June 1, 2016. The Court extended the Notice to Profession until April 30, 2019. A full evaluation was completed in the spring of 2019.