Seeking input from Kamloops families to improve the BC family justice system

Categories: Uncategorized

The Lab is involved in supporting a new initiative which is seeking participation from family members in Kamloops, BC.  The initiative seeks to improve the BC family justice system by starting with an exploration of the experiences of families who have used the system to deal with separation and divorce.

The team will be in Kamloops from October 23 – 27, 2017 and are hoping to find family members to participate in:

  1. During the week of October 23 – 27, 2017: a private in person interview (approximately 45 minutes) at a location most convenient for them; and/or
  2. A 2-3 hour workshop to create a map of a family member’s journey through the family justice system, either: Oct 25, 7 – 9pm or Oct 26, 9 – noon. (location downtown tba)

This is your chance to make a positive difference for others in your situation.

If you are interested in participating please contact me ( as soon as possible.  If you know of someone who might be interested in participating please provide them with this information and invite them to contact me.

More information about the initiative is here:  One pager Oct 16 2017 v3

Thank you!
